Monday, January 10, 2011

an appetite for mud

We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased -C.S. Lewis

Andy Stanley was talking about appetites at Passion a week or so ago - I didn't get to hear all of his talk, but I did hear a bit of it. Here were some things I took away from it:

1. Appetites are from God, but they've become distorted in many ways
2. An appetite always says "now" and never "later"

Lately, I've been really struggling with trusting Jesus and taking Him at His Word. I think it's one thing to be tempted, but another to completely disobey with an attitude of arrogance and rebellion - and I've experienced both in the past few weeks.
I've been feeling as though God's holding out on me - like I'm missing out on all of this stuff that doesn't seem to be a big deal or carry the consequences that He says it does. This is where the lack of trust comes in - revealing a complete lack of knowledge and confidence on my part in God's character. He's good, and He's for my good.
Not only do I think Lewis was right when he said, "We are far too easily pleased" - I think he was onto something when he spoke about a child with a limited imagination. It's like being a kid and choosing a candy bar over a piece of your favorite homemade dessert, but much worse. Not only do I abuse grace by fooling around in the mud, I insult God with my inability to receive the inheritance He has for me (which is pride). I have traded in my birthright for an appetite that screams for immediate satisfaction. The only problem is that I'm not satisfied at all and I'm covered in mud.

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