Birth of a Blog

I remember trekking over to the chemistry building  with the rest of my English class in January of 2008.  We were all freezing and bitter about the fact that English lab was held across campus in a science building. The classroom was very similar to a basement or a dungeon. There were no windows, cement walls, and the fluorescent lighting that makes everyone look pale and sickly. Why you even need a lab for English is beyond me, but we all suffered together once a week.  Our TA was incredibly enthusiastic, you had to appreciate his attitude and effort even if you didn't enjoy the course. One of our assignments was to create a blog.  We had to post on it periodically and (in theory) read each other's blog. I enjoyed it, mainly because I journal often and it comes easily to me.  So a blog was born.

I really had no intention of continuing it until I dove into the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, the Israelites would build altars as landmarks, so they could look back and be reminded of how the Lord provided and moved in that place years before.  Israel was such a forgetful and unfaithful nation, but God continually called them to teach His Word to their children and instill in future generations reminders of His faithfulness.  I am such a little Israel, and this is (hopefully) an online-reminder of the Lord's hand on my life.

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