Sunday, December 26, 2010

peppermint tea

I have been asked many times over holiday break, "so you have one more semester left, then what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I'm applying for some residency programs..." etc.

I've often thought (and said) that I would be completely happy if I graduated with my nursing degree and never actually went into nursing. I like it - sure. but I just don't know if it's what I want to do with my life... I could do anything.

I decided to go to Barnes today to finish reading some Harry Potter - instead I grabbed a notebook and a Sharpie pen (these are now my new favorite pens) and sat down with a cup of peppermint tea (another favorite thing).

What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses? What do I like about nursing? What do I not like about it? What if I took a year off and just set it apart for the Lord? What if I did something completely unrelated to nursing? What do I enjoy? What am I passionate about?

I sat with these questions for an hour and then began to write down this idea. I kept writing until this idea had a name, a mission statement, a rough structure and a longterm goal.

I left feeling really excited. We'll see.

1 comment:

seekipsmile said...

Hi Alex!

Maybe this is kinda random that I'm commenting because I don't know you really well... However, I think your blog is cool. :)

I'm also studying nursing...was working on my BSN but then because I'm more of a short-term goal type of person, decided to go for my ADN and then just slowly finish my BSN while I work.

All that to say...I think it's an awesome idea for you to take a break from nursing for a while. School is is can be really stressful as a nurse. Right now I'm an LPN but sometimes just wish I had a normal job where I don't have to worry about people dying on me. :) Like...Chick-fil-a :)

So, from one nursing student/nurse to another; take a break. :) You will most certainly be glad you did. (Although I've heard that it's a good idea to go ahead and take the NCLEX asap) :)
