Psalm 77 --> questions and musings from the heart.
(6-9) My heart mused and my spirit inquired - Will the Lord reject forever? Will He never show His favor again? Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has His promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has He in anger withheld compassion?
(10-20) The psalmist remembers the Lord's past faithfulness and His character, choosing to rest in those even though no "answers" were given to his questions.
(19) Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were unseen.
--> AHHHH!!! where is my trust in the Lord when he takes me through rough waters, when I don't have His footprints right in front of me? When all I have is the sound of His voice and no clue of what's ahead of me??? Where is it??
(20) You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron
Psalm 78 --> crazy-graceful-persistent-pursuing-Lover and His unfaithful-rebellious-lying love.
(1-8) the essential-ness of telling our kids about what the Lord has done and who He is is huge!!!
- they learn and we remember
- they'll tell their kids
- they'll put their trust in God, keep His commands, and not forget His deeds
- they won't be stubborn and rebellious like their forefathers (or us)
"Trust in and loyalty to God in the part of His people are covenant matters resulting from remembering God's mighty saving acts. Unfaithfulness is more blameworthy because it contemptuously disregards all God's wonderful acts in His people's behalf."
(32) In spite of all this [God's crazy provision and grace], they kept on sinning; in spite of His wonders [providing water, manna, quail, defeating their enemies, leading to the promised land, and more] they did not believe.
--> What did they not believe?
**Bible note**
"They did not believe that God could give them victory over the Canaanites"
AHHH!!! Wow! How often do I not believe God can give, or even wants to give, me victory over the strongholds in my life???
(34-37) When God "slew" them they'd return and remember that God was their Rock and Redeemer BUT they'd only give Him lipservice - lying to Him, flattering Him, when their hearts weren't loyal and they weren't obedient.
(38) YET God was [and still is] merciful. He FORGAVE them for their iniquities and did NOT destroy them. Time after time He restrained His anger and did NOT stir up His full wrath.
(40-43) Again and again they GRIEVED Him in the wasteland, put Him to the test and rebelled against Him. They did NOT remember His power or the day He redeemed them.
(53) He guided them to safety so they were unafraid; but the sea engulfed their enemies.
--> what a gloriously good Husband... He cares enough to guide me and knows when I am afraid. He doesn't want me to live or dwell in a state of fear.
(58) ...they roused His jealousy with their idols.
(65) Then the Lord awoke as from sleep as man wakes from the stupor of wine.
---> He didn't remain in His anger
(72) And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.
--> a great picture of a leader.
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