Sunday, September 4, 2011

hullo september!

She stands at 4’11’’ with her wavy hair dyed red and pulled back into pigtails. She walks with purpose, and she walks quickly with a bit of a bounce in her step. She walks into the room and switches from English to fluent Spanish. Her intuition is sharp, her knowledge base broad, and her taste buds constantly experiencing new flavors with her diverse snacking habits. She’s my preceptor, and I’ve really enjoyed every minute working with her. 
I just finished my first week of orientation on the unit, and technically started my second week today. I’m enjoying my job and my coworkers. I’ve started taking on multiple patients, so it’s been good and challenging as I’m learning how to organize my day. My preceptor has been great at graciously reminding me of things I’ve forgotten. It’s also fun because there’ve been a few (few being key) times where I’ve finished a task before she's told me to do it– I feel like a kid getting a gold star… It's like elementary school all over again :)

One of the most enjoyable part of my job so far has been teaching. I work in an area that’s full of transition and life change…transition and life change that I have no personal experience in. I can’t imagine taking home a baby and trying to remember all of the information they threw at me in the hospital. That’s going to be one funny/scary/sweet moment whenever it happens for me, as I’m sure it is for each of my patient’s in their own unique circumstances. I love having patients for more than one shift in a row. I like going into their room, sitting down, and talking through things with them. I like it when I can answer their questions and help them with their concerns.

In other news, I’ve got a pretty nasty cold. I’m blessed because I was still well enough to work this weekend and I have the next four days off, but I’d appreciate prayers for healing J I’ve also been struggling with putting my faith in God’s faithfulness rather than in myself, my confidence/feelings/faithfulness. I’m so prone to forget, wander, and put my faith in my ability to cling to the Lord – when in reality; my salvation is dependent solely upon His work on the cross – on His word. He has done it. He has rescued. He has made me complete in Him. He has declared me righteous, has adopted me as His kid, has fully forgiven me and freed me from past/present/future sin… He holds me. I keep feeling as though I’m constantly struggling to grasp Him and grab hold of Him – to feel Him/hear Him/consistently “feel” secure in my walk with Him that I forget that He never lets go.  I end up trying to convince myself of truth – like if I say something enough, trying to feel it, then that makes it truer. While preaching truth to yourself is healthy and necessary – the actual preaching doesn’t change whether or not it’s true. It’s true because it’s true. It stands whether you feel secure in it or confident about it. It doesn’t change, move, or alter just because you might or your feelings might. I guess what I’m trying to say, is that I’ve been struggling to accept and rest in His Word – receiving it as complete grace and truth without trying to complicate it, earn it, or alter it – and then walking forward in obedience rooted in that grace and love. I suppose everyone struggles with it – but when you tend to see everyone else’s “highlight reel” in light of your own behind-the-scenes, it’s easy to feel alone in your struggling. If this hits in a familiar spot, take heart that you’re not alone.
In other news, I might get to go home for a few days in October/November, and I’m pretty excited about the potential mini-vacation. I’m loving it here, but I miss Hannah’s hugs, Panera lunches with my dad, and popcorn/wine/TV time with my mom. I also miss my sweet coffee times with some awesome now-college freshmen and my hilarious brothers.
Fall is almost here. Football season has begun. And I got a new blender/food processor this week. In the small things and the larger ones, I am one blessed woman.

All my love from Nashville,
PS: here's a glimpse of my life in Nashville thus far:
We went to see Romeo and Juliet in a local park...
 Meet Anna and her husband Sasha - not only are they awesome, but they've introduced me to some fabulous desserts, tasty teas, and tasty stuffed peppers.
 Sarah, Pete and Katelyn in the park - they're so fun and always full of joy.
 Anna, Adrienne, and I relaxing in the park
 One of the best productions of Romeo and Juliet I've ever seen. It's never been my favorite play, but this cast did a phenomenal job and we had so much fun!
Of course we had to take pictures of our very first day of work...
My beautiful roommate and dear friend... she is such a blessing.

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