I came home from work Thursday night completely ecstatic. My last day of rotation was by far my favorite, and not just because it was on L&D. My preceptor was incredible, my patient delivered a healthy baby like a champ, and I didn’t stop or eat lunch until 3:30pm. I walked out of the hospital having worked a half hour later than I was supposed to, but I was too thrilled to care. Whether or not I’m placed on L&D, I’m one blessed woman and I like my job so far.
I spoke with Mama John on the phone today. I love me some Mama John. We’ve played phone tag for about two weeks, and her voicemails have a way of warming and breaking my heart all at the same time. Warm because I have the love of such an incredible elder and broken because she’s afraid I’ll forget her. I wish she knew how impossible that would be – I’ve adopted her as my grandmother for a while now. She asked me if I’d met anyone “exciting.” She mentioned waiting for a phone call one day from me saying, “I’m married!” As I sit here with my glass of wine, I have to smile – what do I know about dating? She told me things like, “You have plenty of time” (in a way that didn’t make me uncomfortable in my singleness) and “I love you” and “I pray over you, that you might know the hope that you have in Christ Jesus, and the peace and joy of Jesus – hope that does not disappoint” and she always says “Bye-bye darlin’” when she hangs up the phone.
I’ve been living in Nashville now for 6 weeks now – six weeks of an emotional roller coaster. Six weeks of insane highs followed by incredible lows. Six weeks full of richness, laughter, loneliness, and tears – moments of sheer bliss followed by moments of utter frustration. There have been moments of raw vulnerability and confession, followed by moments of stubborn and obstinate pride. As awful as an emotional rollercoaster sounds (and is), it has been a beautifully challenging six weeks.
Forgive the random post.
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