Tuesday, August 31, 2010

hullo tuesday

I wanted to add pictures with this update - and then I quickly realized that I don't have any recent pictures because I avoid being in them. so that's a new goal - take more pictures, get over insecurities.

anyways - I DID find this one and it's one of my favorite moments of the summer...

...this is my best friend and my sister, Autumn, on her wedding day.

Aside from reading a bunch of textbooks, my lovely roommate Carolina loaned me this one...

...I'm only on chapter 3, but it's been incredibly good so far. I'm tired of living like I'm defeated when Christ has the victory.

I'm super excited about getting involved with the Navigators again - I'm really enjoying meeting new people and getting to use my gifts in ministry. At the same time, the Lord has really been putting His finger on my motivation and on my heart. He tells me that "out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks" - and lately, my heart has been really gross and self-absorbed.

I'm blessed to be living with Caroline and Hannah, and I'm getting to know Jennifer better. One thing is for sure - I'm struck by the redemption and restoration that is evident in my life. I'm so forgetful, but Jesus keeps reminding me of His grace towards me in every circumstance. It's painful - when you realize that you're completely unworthy of the Gospel and how frequently you break His heart - BUT that's what makes it so incredibly beautiful. Not only have I been redeemed by the Lord - but He's redeemed and restored relationships in my life as well. I'm so blessed to be living with my friend and sister Caroline again - I love that we can sit on the kitchen counter in the morning and eat breakfast (well, I eat cheerios and she drinks coffee). I love that God's taken a painful situation and turned it into something beautiful - and Hannah is a daily reminder of that beauty. Her presence was an answer to prayer, and her friendship an incredible blessing.
My roommates are awesome, but I'm really pumped about what God's doing in my relationship with my dad. Relationships involve people and we'll never be perfect - but God's been restoring my relationship with my dad. We actually talk more, and I like that. Learning how to live and operate in this new relationship has been weird - maybe because we've been so used to relating in such an unhealthy way for so long - but I like that God's teaching us. I was convicted (in the most gentle but strong way) the other day by a new friend to pray for my Dad (something I knew I should do but had slacked off on doing). So we're praying for each other, and we'll let each other down again - but healing is taking place. I cry at this (more like have a weep-fest)- I didn't think we would be here at the beginning of the summer.

That's all I got - at some point I'll have a more logical theme for posts.

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