Tuesday, July 14, 2009


i dont feel like i have much to say tonight. i mean, i think that i could but i just don't feel it.

here's a slideshow of just a few costa rica pictures from our trip - courtesy of my new friend eric george.

or for pictures on facebook (if you have time to go through 8 albums)

i'll post more on the trip later i'm sure. for now, here are some ways you could be praying for me, if you'd like to ;)

- that my body would heal from whatever little bug i had in costa - it's nothing serious, i just don't feel my best yet.
- that i wouldn't forget what the Lord taught me, what He did, who He is, and who I am in Him
- pray against fear, anxiety, and post-missions-syndrome as i adjust back to normal life, work and face the upcoming semester.
- that the Lord would put His word in my mouth
-that i might be broken for the sake of the Gospel

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