Thursday, March 26, 2009

sts boredom

in my sts class sometimes i get a little bored or lost, or both... these are the result of that boredom:

Junk Food
you're like junk food -
tasty, sweet, addictive
processed, fake, unhealthy
you are like junk food -
you are junk food.
you are ice cream -
refreshing and cool
you are potato chips -
salty and crispy
you are french fries and Oreos,
pizza and brownies.
You are a can of pop, a drive-thru window,
a warm, glazed donut
and a side of onion rings.
you taste good at first but
you leave my body ravaged.
you are nothing but fat, high blood pressure
and imitation sugar.
you are uniform, lacking natural flavors,
man-made additives, color #5
you are junk food - not good for me.

and todays:
you begin early and end late
you are the in-between
the climb down
you follow the peak of the week
you are not yet the release
you are a waiting room of sorts
no longer sick at home
not yet seeing a doctor
there's a beauty about you
but you seem overlooked
Wednesday is fought to be reached
Friday is looked at with longing
Thursday - are you ever seen as Thursday?
You are "the day before Friday"
you are "almost the weekend"
you are lonely, unseen and used
your value determined by your position
but today, you are Thursday
for 24 hours you are enjoyed solely because you are

for what they're worth.

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