I'll be honest - I haven't posted in a while. Partly because my life has been a bit hectic, but mainly because I haven't felt much like writing.
I have so much to be thankful for, excited about, and hopeful of - but the attitude of my heart and mind has (quite frankly) sucked recently. I've been praying that the Lord would sanctify me (that's always a fun one), but also that He would wake me up to who He is - His character, His heart, how incredibly big and sovereign He is - because I've put Him into such a small box.
I don't know if you've ever experienced this, but there are times in my life where I know that I'm not where I want to be - when I know better. I'm so stubborn. Anyways, there are times when the Holy Spirit (I'm giving Him credit as He's the Helper) just brings to mind things I've learn or heard before.... for example: when I'm worried (which has been an almost constant state lately) about whether or not I'll be a competent nurse or adult, when I'm worried about being lonely in a new city, the lovely phrase "When Jesus is all you have, you realize that He is all you need" rings in my ears. Lately, I've been quoting Psalm 23 to myself a lot - "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want... He leads me... He guides me... He makes me... He restores...He prepares...He's with me...He comforts me..." I want to get so deep into these truths and just rest in Him, in faith and with full assurance.
He's slowly and steadily answering that prayer for sanctification - even my mom smiled at me (in a moment of frustration) and admitted she had been praying the same thing for me. It's nice to have a mother who's honest with you. He's also putting His finger on things in my heart and mind that are getting harder and harder to ignore. What I would rather bend, He wants to break and renew.
In other news:
I graduated from college.
I went to France with my mom for a week - pictures and stories to come soon :)
I'm preparing for NCLEX (trying to - I crave your prayers on June 14th as I take it - pray for supernatural peace, wisdom and provision).
I have a Nashville address.
I'll leave you with one of my favorite pictures from Paris....
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