Sunday, June 7, 2009

the f word

haha sometimes i find corny humor fun - at other times it's plain annoying... i hope the title is more fun than annoying.



so i'm a 'fraidy cat... i am not go jump-off-a-cliff kinda girl, nor do i like rollercoasters, big dogs chasing me, dark houses, driving back roads by myself at midnight/one am, etc. not a fan... and if you are a fan of that last one, then my friend you are weird.

the truth that "perfect love casts out fear" has been coming up a lot in my mind and life recently... through various sources (hmm... God?) and i know that my being so fearful lately of different things is evidence that i haven't been receiving the Lord's love for me. for some reason - receiving love is incredibly difficult for me.

today in church, mr. cloud used that verse for something - and his comment about it struck me. he didn't say anything new or revolutionary, but simple and logical

the presence of fear in my life indicates that i'm not trusting the Lord.
to the degree that i have fear may just be the degree to which I'm not resting in the Lord.

when you know that someone loves you, that they're in your corner, watching out for your best - you're not goign to be afraid when you're with them because you know that they are for you not against you.

hmm - the Lord is for me, not against me. He longs to show me compassion. He is slow to anger, abounding in love. He has removed my sins as far as the east is from the west. When I am unfaithful, He still calls me "Daughter." His hand is on me.

The hand that holds the wind in it's storehouses, that hand - that hand that palms the galaxies... that hand - it's on me.

so why do i fear? what have i to fear?