Sunday, March 1, 2009

war and toilets

i love the girls i live with.

with no one else have i ever had to google how to fix a toilet, and tackle fixing a rebellious one.
today at 11am our toilet broke - tonight around midnight we fixed it.
with a coat hanger.

before fixing the toilet we just got to talk and it was awesome. Sandy was talking about how the Lord has freed her from stuff and basically shared some of the best stories - it was just so encouraging to see Jesus free her from stuff that to some extent we all struggle with. to see just this light and laughter in her eyes because she was no longer chained - it made me envious of her freedom in such a good way. we talked about how we have the power of the Spirit - so often we approach the cross asking for power and help when we have it - we just don't choose to use it.


i'm so thankful for these girls - for what they teach me and for what they challenge me in. in no way are we perfect and in no way do we handle every conflict with grace and love - but to live with women - women- who love the Lord and seek to glorify Him in everything is so amazing.
i'm so thankful for nights like tonight - when i just get to listen to what God's doing in their lives - whether life is peachy or cloudy it's always so encouraging because i see their hearts. their hearts are beautiful.

tonight we defeated a toilet and we rejoiced. but even more than that - we just got to talk and rejoice over what the Lord has done.

we have a good God - and a fixed toilet. and cookie dough.
i'd say tonight was pretty great.

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