Tuesday, November 4, 2008


so we have a new president.

there's a lot that I could say, but would it change anything? no. but this is what is striking me, as i look and read everyone's facebook statuses, all of the southern, white conservatives claiming socialism and anti-christ and that they're moving overseas. all of the african-americans crying, emotional, because they've "come so far." mccain's followers booing obama's while mccain "shhs" them....everyone seems to be saying enough.

i tend to freak out alot, in fact it's been a rather stressful/anxious weekend and i'm not quite sure why. but this is what i've got for tonight, and i'll remind myself of this later on by rereading it.

the Lord was Lord before this election...will He not be the same now that it's happened?
Was this outcome outside of His knowledge? Did it catch him by surprise? Is it out of His grasp? Can He use it?

i think the answers to those questions are quite obvious.

i love talking about politics and debating them. but it's easy to lose sight of the fact that this is not my home, and the president of the US is not the end-all ruler of my life. My heart, my home, my life and allegiance belong to Jesus and His kingdom. He's seen it fit, good, to place these men in authority over our country and He works everything out for the good of those that love Him, who have been called according to His good purposes.

don't misunderstand me. i didn't vote for obama, nor am i necessarily happy with this elections outcome. but i've realized that i wouldn't be that happy either way. Why? because, although it's a big deal, in 4 years we'll do it again. and regardless of what happens, my King is over all. Nothing has been made that He didn't make, create, form, breathe - and it's in Him alone that ALL things hold together.

He is good and sovereign.

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