Human brokenness, need, desire, longing, hasn't changed in the past 2,000 years; or in all of human history for that matter, before Christ. Everyone wants love, everyone's seeking something to fill them, give them purpose; we want to be driven by something, in fact, we were designed to be driven by something. So if the desires for love, for completeness, for touch, for healing, for intimacy, for communication, for more haven't changed... why do Christians try and act as though the Remedy must be "watered-down"? Jesus doesn't = hymns, religious services, clothing, bumper stickers, music, cars, houses, politicians, or doctrine. Jesus was Love; He spoke worth into people. Jesus was the Healer; he spoke and lives were restored. Jesus was Intimacy; he touched the dirty, diseased, poor, broken, sick, outcast, lonely, depressed, forgotten, abandoned and brought wholeness to them.
He did not fit the box of the religious culture of His day; He did not water things down either. Obviously His message hasn't died out in over 2,000 years and its relevance isn't exactly on the decline; so should we take a hint?
There's brokenness; touch. There's sickness; heal. There's loneliness; love. There's paralysis; move.